My 2 Cosplays

Yesterday, I bought myself a black-hockey mask from "Little M" and a Ninja-Fox mask from Chong Hock. (I actually bought a mask a month ago.)
Then, when I saw those masks, I decided to do some new cosplay of mine. There's 2 costumes that I'm going to cosplay:-

1.) The "Akatsuki" Costume, and
2.) A psycho-killer, Jason-lookalike. (Yes, Jason-lookalike. It's different version of mine. :P )

And here's the images:-



Those are the one's I made myself. I'm actually want to make a movie about the Akatsuki and the psycho-killer, but I'm kinda busy and I can't make it myself. I need a group of friends to make one movie. It's not easy to make a movie, you know.

And YES, I have a long hair. It's not a wig. It's REAL. A REAL HAIR, I say. And I'm also a little bit fat, but a little bit thin, too.