Anyway, just got some good news for you guys. More new toys are coming soon at CHONG HOCK MUSIC CENTRE including FIGMAs, Gunplas, FIGMA accessories, R. A. H., and many more. You can visit the blog right here >>>CH Toynation<<<.
Also, for all of you guys who loves to collect 1/6 Toys, the CH manager will be bringing 1/6 Medicom R. A. H. including METAL GEAR SOLID 4 OLD SNAKE (Olive Drab), BATMAN DARK KNIGHT, and GOKU from DRAGONBALL. So, if you guys wanna order it, just let 'im know.
Good thing is, I already pay the deposit for MGS4 and I'm SO excited! Man, I can't wait for that MGS4 action figure!
"Kept you waiting huh?"
I'm a BIG FAN of MGS! MGS ftw!
And that's all for today's post. I'll see you guys sooner or later. ;)