...is it SOLD OUT? 'Cause I visit the CH blog and it says "sold out*" in every Medicom pics.
After I saw those, I was like, "Oh, great...", but then again I was like, "Man, I gotta get that old guy!" but then again I'm not.
Unless if I visit the shop myself to see if there's anything left, then that baby is mine, 'cause I already pay the deposit for the MGS4, and I really, REALLY want that guy. It's been for 5 - 6 months I've been waiting for that guy. Well, we'll see by tomorrow. If it's REALLY SOLD OUT, then, guess I'm gotta post a "sad", or maybe "The End" post. But if it's not, then, I'm gonna post the "Continue on Our Journey", and post Old Snake in this blog.