Sometimes, life can be desperate or even worst. I mean, a lot of people already told me about "friendship". At first, I didn't know what friendship means, but now I know what it is.
Few of my friends are either becoming enemies or gone. I lost Chui, one my close friend, becoming my enemy. And I lost Eric, the manager of Chong Hock. Well, about Eric, that's the different story, 'cause it's my fault.
About Eric, I make this vid, a joke vid and I thought he was happy with it, but I guess that he isn't, 'cause he thinks that I'm maybe provoking him or something. I thought that I wasn't, but when I re-thinking it again and watching the video all over, I think that I am, and now I feeling guilty because of that video.
And about Chui, I told him to bring the money back to me from Amir, but after a couple of hours, he spend all the money just to buy stuff for his own and that makes me mad.
But whenever I think about this, it just makes me hurt. It makes me hurt so deeply...
Sometimes I cry myself alone. Just like what my friend said, "Money is easy, but friendship is hard".
It reminds me of this:-
And if you ask me what the hell is this, let's just say that, that old guy is me, and all the people surrounding me are no one. If you know how it feels being left alone, that's how I feel right now.... I'm all alone....
I lost Chui, I lost Eric, I lost Zul and I lost everyone that's close to me.
Now I'm alone...
I'm back to where I was...
No friends...
Just me...
~END POST (not last post)~
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